Friday, October 30, 2009

Doors and Scheduling To Room From Room

Revit door schedules can include a parameter for From Room and To Room. The way a door determines which is which depends on how you place the door. The door is To a room when the swing is defined into that room initially. When you place it the other way then the To value is based on the adjacent area, like a corridor.

Further, when you change the From or To Room values in a schedule Revit will honor your choice and toggle the other to the opposite value. If you just flip the door in the plan view though the schedule does not change. This is intentional.

A door may need to swing into a corridor for exiting but technically belong to the room and therefore the To value should not change. This may be the exception to the rule but that's how it works.

I created a video that demonstrates this a bit. I also mention a limitation that was mentioned in a post about this at AUGI. The limitation is how thin a room can be before the door no longer can generate a To Room value in the schedule. The magic number is 14", in my testing, any thinner and no To value.

If you want to listen and watch here instead...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Model Review - Check for Mirror Casework and Furniture

This post is dedicated to a practical example of using the new tool for Revit called Model Review. This tool is part of the Subscription Advantage Pack that became available recently. As it happens this tool was acquired by Autodesk from Avatech Solutions a few months ago for a tidy sum. I'm sorry to admit that I didn't spend a lot of time getting comfortable with it before the purchase. I thought I'd make up for ignoring it by focusing on a specific problem it can help solve. I should also mention that Beau Turner recently wrote a few nice articles about the tool on his blog "Will Render for Food".

The problem: Users are mirroring casework and furniture elements and some of those items are not supposed to be mirrored because they have very specific manufacturer codes. A left-handed version has a different code than a right-handed version so mirroring will create a right-handed version that looks like a left-handed version. Tracking this situation down isn't easy the way Revit is on its own.

Enter Model Review: (it was called BIM Review before). We can create our own review criteria that will check the model for mirrored components. This is a default condition that exists in the Model Review configuration and it is easy to use in your own Check file. Rather than spending a lot of time itemizing the process in text here the video will cover that. I've posted the example file so it can be downloaded if you are interested in reverse engineering it. Technically you can just reverse engineer the existing templates...that's what I did.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dept. of Subtle - Editing Tools Improvement - Update Feature

Harlan Brumm mentioned this as part of his video on the Subscription Advantage Pack (SPA). David Light also mentioned it and posted a link to Harlan's video to make sure it isn't missed. In an effort to "one-up" those guys with "oh, think that's a good post...well try THIS one!" I offer this video, just focused on this change. What change? The Modify panel that appears when you select elements has changed. Previously choosing one of the tools disabled the others. This update now allows you to change your mind. If you pick Mirror > Pick Mirror Axis and realize that you should have selected Draw Mirror you can without starting over!! Sometimes something obvious isn't...

Autodesk University Virtual - Four Free Premier Passes

I have four three two one complimentary Premier Passes to AU Virtual 2009. They are a $99 value if you want to attend and nobody from your company is attending in person. Autodesk is giving a complimentary pass or two to each attendee of the real deal.

My dilemma do I give away my four free passes? Do I run a video competition like the one that Laura did? Do I ask for letters stating why you should get one? Do I just give them away to the first four people who send me a six pack of...? Must mull this over. Open to suggestions...feel free to comment.

Update 11/02/09
All handed out! Guess it worked itself out. I hope that the people that got them will enjoy AU Virtual! I also hope they get to go to AU next time!

Dept. of Bugs - RAC - Structural Settings Missing

It appears that the new Subscription Advantage Pack has hidden the Structural Settings dialog. Prior to the update it was located on the Structure Panel on the Home ribbon tab. The update adds a new Ribbon tab called Structure, but no access to Structural Settings via a sneaky arrow at the base of one of the panels as might be expected.

There is no Structural Settings listed under Settings on the Manage Ribbon tab either. As a comparison, in Revit Structure there is a large button dedicated to this.

I think the Revit team is going to send someone out in a VW bus tomorrow to fix this personally. It's going to be called the Great VW Bus Structural Settings Fix Tour of 2009 or GVWBSSFT09 for short.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dept. of Bugs - Entering Data in Schedules

The new subscription advantage pack unfortunately brought with it a bit of pain for those entering data into schedules. When you advanced from one field to another using the Up/Dn arrow keys or the Enter key Revit no longer assumes you will overwrite the value in the cell. You have to click in the field with your cursor, press the Home key or press the End key to get the cell to "wake up" and allow you to enter values. This is an unwelcome development that hopefully won't have to wait too long for a fix. Here's a video to demo what I'm referring to.

You can listen and watch here too.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dept. of Echo - Revit Subscription Advantage Pack Videos

A couple other blogs posted links or embedded these two YouTube hosted videos but I'm going to echo them. Harlan Brumm with Autodesk recorded them to describe the new features that are part of the update. Hey Harlan, how many times can you mention the subscription pack/update? 8-) Just poking you in the ribs in good humor!

Video One - New features

Video Two - New Extension Features

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dept. of Subtle - Can't Get Rid of Parameter Value - Project Browser Sorting

This one came up the other day when we were reviewing a view list schedule. They were sorting their views, in the Project Browser, using their own project parameter called View Class, assigned to Views. The intended syntax for the users to follow is: ## - VIEW CLASS VALUE. Initially a value of "02 - Plans" was used, among others, and then a new one showed up: 02-Plans. A subtle difference, just no spaces around the dash.

The team never really gave it much thought, opting to keep moving forward on the project. When I was asked about it my answer was, "A view is assigned/using it." The response was, "No we've fixed all the views already but it won't go away!". We checked again using a view list and sure enough the rogue value wasn't being used.

That's when it occurred to me that a view parameter is stored in View Templates. In fact a view template is the reason the value keeps popping up every now and then in a view's properties. We cleaned template after template, the project had quite a lot of them. Moral of the story? Remember View Templates! They capture view related data too!

A video might tell this better so check it out. I've also embedded it here to listen and watch.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Keyboard Shortcuts - New User Interface

One of the items introduced to Revit 2010 as part of the Subscription Advantage Pack is a Keyboard Shortcut editor.

The first compelling reason to use this? You can edit them in your current session and the changes take effect immediately. No more closing and re-opening Revit to get to use them! I've recorded a video to describe using it more efficiently than writing about it here.

You can start the Keyboard Shortcut Editor with three methods:
  • Application Menu > Options > Keyboard Shortcuts
  • View ribbon > Windows Panel > User Interface > Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Use a Keyboard Shortcut
A couple constructive comments for improving it:
  • Show me Duplicate entries - Add a filter
  • Promote a Shortcut setting - Up/Down
The Shortcut Highway product (which doesn't appear to be available anymore) had/has the ability to show me duplicate values and I found that compelling and useful. We can assign alternative shortcuts to the same tool. It would be nice be able to move the one we want to be the primary shortcut to the top of the list. Why? That's the one that appears on the tips inside the Revit interface when we hover over a tool.

I should mention that the new keyboard shortcut file format is XML, no longer .TXT. If you want to import a previous keyboard shortcut file you can only do so from a 2010 version. Remember the ribbon development created a significantly different shortcut file so this makes some sense to me.

Here's an embedded version of the video to listen and watch.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Roof Eave - Edge Conditions

A question via email prompts this post. The writer is trying to figure out how to change the roof edge condition to represent what he needs.

Roofs have one parameter that offers three options to define a roof edge condition:
  • Plumb
  • Two Cut - Plumb
  • Two Cut - Square

This is what each of the three options look like in a section view.

This portion of the Construction Group (groups are the blue "bars, dividing boundaries in the dialog) defines how the roof fascia/edge is adjusted. When you choose either of the Two Cut techniques you need to provide the Fascia Depth value.

Related to this in a way is the setting for Rafter or Truss. This is only available to roofs that have been defined using the Pick Wall technique. Roofs that are not sketched with Pick Wall use the Rafter configuration and do not offer this option in the properties dialog.

I created a short video to show what I'm writing about. As usual I've embedded the video here too so you can listen and watch now.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dept. of Subtle - TAB Key - Entire and Partial Chain of Lines or Walls

This is subtle feature of using the TAB key that many users are not aware of. First of all, it is easier to see than to describe so you might as well watch the VIDEO.

Two items:
  • Select Entire Chain of Walls or Lines
  • Select Partial Chain of Walls or Lines
First item - Hover cursor over a wall or line > Press TAB key once (Walls or lines highlight) > Left Click to select.

Second item - Select a wall or line > Hover cursor over a different wall or line somewhere along the path > Press TAB once (Walls or lines highlight) > Left Click to select. The subtle difference is that which direction the selected chain travels depends on which end of the element you hover your cursor over. Watch and then try it!

NO DISCO tabbing, as my friend Cyril says. Just press the TAB key once. You get the disco tabbing when you press and hold the TAB key down. We call it Disco because the highlighted lines will flash at you.

Last comment, make sure you hover and then hold your mouse steady. If you move the mouse away after highlighting the chain the TAB feature fails. You have to make sure everything is highlighted still before using the Left mouse button to select them. It is a process unlike any other software you are familiar with most likely. Practice a couple times if you aren't already very comfortable with it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dept. of Subtle - Edit Sub-Discipline

I was working with Scott Johnson and several of his co-workers today and he pointed out this very subtle bugger. This involves projects using the Sub-Discipline parameter (and potentially other View assigned parameters. This means RME primarily unless you also choose to add this to your RAC or RST projects. In RME a few of the templates have a Project Parameter called Sub-Discipline that is associated with the Views category. It is intended to permit us to sort the Project Browser further than just by the Disciplines: Architecture Structure, Mechanical, Electrical and Coordination.

The rub is that if you create a view that has annotation, such as a section view, you can't edit the parameter when you select the annotation and choose Right-Click > Element Properties or the Instance Properties button. The value is not enabled (gray). If you edit the Properties through the view itself or the listed view name in the Project Browser you can. Odd quirk. I posted a VIDEO of this and you can listen and watch it now if you like.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Subscription Advantage Pack

I missed out on this one. I was invited to attend the "Blogger Update" that many other bloggers have written about today but I was already scheduled to visit a client today. Priorities priorities! Plenty has been written about this already so rather than rehash the details I'll just point you in the direction of the other blogs I've read so far that have discussed this.

David Light's Blog
Robert Manna's Blog
Gregory Arkin's Blog
Jeffery Pinheiro's Blog
David Harrington's Blog
Alan James Wooldridge's Blog
Laura Handler's Blog
Jimmy Bergmark's Blog
James Vandezande's Blog

I am very pleased to see so many things added to Revit as part of this update/release. I had a nice opportunity to voice my opinion about the 2010 release during a phone call with some Autodesk staff members a few months ago. I consider this new update an indication that they took me (and many others, I'm definitely not the only person to do this) seriously. I do think that it is an indication they are listening...again! Cheers to "The Factory"!! Looking forward to getting my hands on the new stuff!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Four Ways to Stop, Wait...Pause

When you are busily working on something in Revit you have four ways to stop what you are doing.

  • Modify
  • ESC (Escape key on your keyboard)
  • Right Click > Cancel
  • Do something Else

  • Modify isn't the word that leaps to mind when I think of words like Stop, Wait, Pause, Hold on or Hang on. It's the word they chose though, it's our word now too. When you click on the Modify button Revit stops whatever you are doing and puts it in neutral. This button has the advantage of being a one-button-action, click it you are done. Downside? You have to move your cursor to use it, usually quite far from where you are now.

    The Escape button is a natural, if you've used AutoCAD at least, some other software too. If you keep your left hand near the keyboard like many do it is easy. Downside? Sometimes you have to tap the button twice to really stop. Why? Some features stay running, assuming you are going to keep using the tool. The first button tap stops what you were doing but leaves the tool running. The second button tap tells Revit you really want to stop.

    The Right Click > Cancel option isn't bad but it shares the same issue with Escape, you have to use it twice sometimes. I don't know about you but doing that combination twice right away nevers feels quite right.

    Last and probably the most efficient...just start another tool. If you are placing walls and need to start placing doors, just click Doors.

    Okay...there IS a fifth way...the keyboard shortcut for Modify, if you have one mapped to Modify.

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    Laura Gets to GO!

    This was my First Post about Laura wanting to go to Autodesk University. I also made these posts later on, Second Post, Third Post. I also mentioned that Bruce made a video in this
    Related Post.

    The votes are in and the results are in! (even though I didn't vote at Facebook, the non-joiner that I am). Laura Wood wins! She gets to go! Congrats!!

    The other two winners are Joe Lee and Thomas McMillin.

    Off Topic - Mavis Beacon

    Are you a touch typer? I was looking for a link to Mavis Beacon and found the Wikipedia reference to the product. I don't know about you but I was surprised and just a little disappointed to learn that Mavis isn't a real person. Kind of the same way I felt when I found out Jethro Tull and Lynyrd Skynrd weren't real people either. Although Jethro Tull was a real person, just not someone in the band. As you were...

    Solar Radiation Preview - Web Update 2 Supported

    I mentioned this earlier and they have opted to provide support for the recent Web Update #2 for Revit. Read all about it!

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    Export to DWG Layer Options

    I responded to a question at AUGI about exporting to dwg. I decide to repeat some of it here. When you export there are three options for Layers and Properties:

    • Category Properties BYLAYER, overrides BYENTITY - This deals with differences between elements that have the same layer assignment but "look" different in Revit for some reason)
    • All Properties BYLAYER, no overrides - This forces all exported elements to be bylayer which will change line patterns and colors so that they ARE By Layer)
    • All Properties BYLAYER, new layers for overrides - This allows Revit to create a new layer when an element has a representation that a single layer will not support)
    To put this in a practical example, imagine a Revit Grid element which has text, a circle and a line that is usually drawn with a different line pattern than the circle. If this is exported to layer S-Grid and you want entities to use a BYLAYER setting, what should Revit do?

    The first option will override the linetype of the line so that it maintains its appearance. It does so by creating a new linetype/pattern in the AutoCAD dwg that matches the line pattern name in Revit.

    If you choose the second option you get a solid line for both circle and line which doesn't look so good when you see it or print it.

    The last option will create a new layer for the Grid Line, S-Grid-1. You end up with S-Grid for the circle and text and S-Grid-1 for the grid Line. All the elements are By Layer.

    If you are still with me, a little reminiscing... I remember a few years back (late 2004 or early 2005) when Jim Balding, my boss when I worked with WATG, and I were on a conference call with David Conant (Autodesk Revit Product Designer) for a couple hours discussing exporting to DWG.

    We had just been through a fairly harrowing experience getting dwg files just so for an overseas client that was going to take over the project for construction documents. We even had our in-house programmer and cad manager in Honolulu, Danny Polkinhorn, create a clever little application to redress the dwg files after they were exported from Revit. He affectionately dubbed it "Revit DWG Fixer". One result of that phone call with David was these three options I just wrote about. I'm sure others echoed our desires but the result nearly matches what we expressed then. Not the solution but that we experienced these kinds of layer issues. The solution gave us an option that worked, for us at least. We usually chose Option 3...I still prefer it.

    To digress a bit further, it is important to understand that the intended purpose for exporting to dwg is to create files that can be used as a background for other trades. It was never really intended to be a better way to make dwg files. Not to make files that a native AutoCAD user could just continue to work on as if they started the work themselves. The resulting files are not created the way a native AutoCAD user would create them. It does a really good job of getting close. Kind of like me claiming to speak Spanish. I know a few words but a native speaker will catch me in the lie pretty quick.

    One practical example, AutoCAD users will usually create an overall floor plan file for each floor of the building. Partial plans are derived by using a sheet file that has the overall plan as a external reference (xref). The partial views are showing some of the same overall floor plan file and the viewport is adjusted for the correct scale and location.

    If you export the same kind of information from Revit you don't get the same configuration. You get a sheet file referencing a model file that is the literal export of what was visible in the partial view in Revit. This means changing the dwg file of a partial plan is not really changing any other information in any other dwg files. There is an expectation that it does...but it does not.

    Rather than driving Revit to create better and better exports I'd prefer that AutoCAD got smarter about extracting what it wants from a Revit model. Consider the goal really isn't for a Revit project to end up as dwg files. Dwg files are really just a common format that lets other firms that are not using Revit interact with the project using their own software choice.

    Hard Drive Space - A Little Off Topic

    This morning was all planned out. Then an email in the first of the climb out of bed bunch changes things a bit. Living on the "left" or West coast means that most of the country gets at least a couple hour head start. I now need to download and install some stuff. Download done...start install, no disk space...huh??

    But I've got a 150gb hard drive and most of my stuff is on an external drive. Where did it go? I'm not really sure...yet. I have been on a splurge lately installing various applications to check out etc. I guess I lost track of the impact on the hard drive. I swear it was half full last night...well, I think so...maybe.

    Then again I've been enduring the same Microsoft Update attempting to install for the last month and a half. Install it and the little shield goes away for about ten minutes and up pops another warning, "Update Ready"... A check with Microsoft's site suggests running a check for Update status. Sure enough there it is and a couple others. Finally appears to have stuck, or they've killed it so it doesn't hassle anyone anymore.

    So I spent my day, in between doing the things I was supposed to do, deciding which applications I really need to keep on my computer. Throw in a disk cleanup session that ran for most of the day... Oh, well...10 hours later and I can now install what I started to install at 7:30 am.

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Quick Access Toolbar - QAT

    With the 2010 version it becomes possible to customize the user interface a bit more. This post will just deal with the addition of the Quick Access Toolbar. There as been much commentary about how successful the QAT is at AUGI and elsewhere. I'm just going to focus on two things with this post, Active Workset and the Align tool.

    First the QAT can include tools that we choose to add to it. You just Right Click on a tool and the option to Add to Quick Access Toolbar appears. You can also remove a tool in a similar fashion. Careful, add tools in the order you want them to appear because you can't shuffle them around....yet anyway. There is always hope.

    One negative of the current implementation of the Ribbon approach with Revit is that users can't see what the Active Workset is. Granted they could turn off the Workset toolbar in previous versions but if they were actually using Worksets they usually do not. With the Ribbon, if you choose to change to another tab you no longer see the Active Workset. Problem solved, in a fashion, add it to the QAT.

    The Align tool is trapped on the Modify ribbon tab. Why it doesn't appear on others, like many of the contextual ribbons...I understand. Align is a Prima Don, it wants you to "pick me, pick me" before letting you use it. Other tools like Copy or Move have less ego because they are content to react to you selecting elements first, they wait patiently for you to do something to provoke them. Align sits stubbornly on its own throne (ribbon) because it doesn't care that you are sketching walls or placing doors. The reality is that I quite often to decide to use Align precisely because I AM doing something else. The something else inspires me to use the Align tool. Switching to the Modify ribbon tab...well...irks me. Problem solved, in a fashion, added it to the QAT.

    And now the finished product! After first putting the Active Workset on the QAT and wishing it was after the Align tool...Remove, Remove...Add...Add...all better, aah.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Are You My Workset?

    Title echoing the book for children called "Are You My Mother?". What is the easiest way to find out what workset an element is assigned to? Hover your cursor over the element to highlight it, the Tooltip that appears will show the Workset first. It also appears on the Status Bar even if the Tooltip doesn't or is slow to show up. An exception to this "rule" is when Design Options are in use. You get the relevant Option information first, then the workset.

    You can listen and watch here now instead.

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Curtain Wall - Corner Butt Glazing Condition

    I received an email from a client today asking about this situation and I thought it was a good opportunity to see if my voice would hold up for a brief video. I've been trying to shake a throat focused "cold" for a couple weeks now. Working through it hasn't helped clear it up.

    I posted the new video about this HERE.

    The essence of the tip is to create your own butt glazing "mullion" to stand in for the glazing compound that would really be there. You can duplicate the stock 5"x 5" Corner Mullion type, provide a new Offset parameter, define the Material as Glass, Match the left and right corner panel dimensions in the Depth 1 and Depth 2 parameters.

    You place this mullion type at the corner of two curtain walls and you'll end up with something like this image.

    If you want to, you can listen and watch right here below now.

    Social Marketing Experiments and AU Video Contest

    The contest submission period ended and the so called voting has begun. I say so called because I have to join Facebook to vote on the videos. I've resisted joining Facebook because I'm already a member of too many such things and I really don't want another one to deal with.

    I blogged about Laura's video already as well as tweeted about it. I'm not joining another social network to just vote on the videos. Why are they forcing people to join Facebook? Why another site instead of their own site? Why are they assuming that everyone wants to? Why are they limiting the pool of voters to Facebook members or those willing to join just to vote? I don't know. I find it irritating though.

    The voting for this contest should be on the AU home page and have a real voting platform not Facebook's comment feature as a voting method.

    Well...moving on...

    Friday, October 09, 2009

    Revit Family Style Guide

    Are you the Family Editor in your firm? Work for a manufacturer and planning to make content. You should seriously consider downloading the Revit Model Style Guide documentation from Autodesk. This is what you'll find inside the zipped file when you download it.

    Each folder contains examples of content and a document that explains what the objectives are for making each kind of family. Of particular importance is guidance with creating a variety of parameters for each category that has example folders. This guide was created to help people who are building content intended to be available on Autodesk's Seek site.

    For those of us who have been suggesting that Autodesk needed to broaden the available built-in parameter structure, the Revit Master Parameter and Shared Parameter list and files should be particularly interesting.

    Maybe you'll find the information contained therein useful!?! Happy reading and family editing...

    Thursday, October 08, 2009

    BIM Manager Survey - Take Part?

    Mark Kiker posted an invitation to a survey focused on BIM Managers and how they got where they are, knowledgeable about Revit/BIM that is. He's is going to use the data to help him develop one of his sessions at Autodesk University 2009. If you read my blog but aren't aware of his, here is a chance to help him out and get acquainted with his blog too. Check it out? He needs your input by October 16th.

    Wednesday, October 07, 2009

    Laura and Autodesk University Update

    I posted THIS on September 17th. She had 335 views the first time I saw the video. When I checked back a day later she doubled up to 695. By September 20th she passed the 1K mark. As of tonight (Oct 6th) she's past the 2K mark and climbing. You can help her get to AU 2009 too! If you are reading and haven't watched her video you could NOW! Good luck Laura!

    P.S. Keep in mind that Bruce wants to go too...but I personally liked Laura's better, sorry Bruce, but I watched both.

    Now for a completely random plug: Next time you are in the Tuscon area, check out Steve Shell's band Shell Shock! Steve is AUGI's favorite "rock-n-roll architect" and Revit fan.

    Tuesday, October 06, 2009

    Revit Web Update 2 - Solar Radiation Preview Incompatible

    This "warning" was posted at the It's Alive In the Lab blog. If you have been previewing this feature with Revit then you'll probably be disappointed to learn or discover that you can't use it with the latest Web Update 2.

    It isn't clear at this time whether the Lab preview will be updated to work with this update or not. Since it was recently extended to run until January it would be great if they do.

    Monday, October 05, 2009

    Off Topic - Blogger Disclosure

    Ralph Grabowski wrote today on his blog, World Cad Access, that bloggers who receive compensation for reviewing a product or receive money for travel to see a vendor must disclose this in their articles or face a stiff penalty. He wrote:


    WorldCAD Access and upFront.eZine have been making disclosure statements for several years now. We were the first in the CAD industry to declare when a vendor "pays" us, whether in providing transportation to a corporate event or providing free hardware for review.

    We do this so that you know when an article might be biased, even though we work hard at writing neutrally most of the time. (Sometimes, we allow our feelings to show through.)

    Now in the United States, the Federal Trade Commission has decided that all American bloggers have to make disclosure statements -- or pay an $11,000 fine, per posting!

    His post also includes a reference to another writer's article on this matter.

    Frederic Lardinois of the excellent ReadWriteWeb blog has this concise summary:
    ...any post of a blogger who receives "cash or in-kind payment to review a product" should be considered an endorsement... bloggers who receive freebies must now disclose this fact on their site.

    If you've been thinking about this sort of blogging...keep it in mind.

    Friday, October 02, 2009

    Revit Troubleshooting - AUGI Thread

    AUGI member Hypnox1 has begun posting from experience as an application engineer or support analyst for a reseller.

    I've clipped a portion of one post that might be interesting for some, though I recommend reading through the rest at AUGI. This is part of a crash explanation...

    ...snip...Lets start with the required though. If Revit crashes it leaves behind a temp file. This temp file can cause even more crashes in the future and continue a cycle of angering you as an end user ad infinitum. What can you do about it? Clean the Revit temp files out. Here how to do it:

    In Windows XP
    Go to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\

    In Windows Vista
    Go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp

    Delete any files beginning with “revittemp_...”. This is a temp file that can get left behind if Revit crashes. If that happens this temp file may contain bad or corrupt information that could cause additional Revit crashes. Also, after a crash this file will get recreated at double the previous file size.

    What causes the most crashes? Your system running low or out of memory. Most computers, that I've troubleshot, have only 2 gigabytes of RAM. I grew up playing with computers since 1990 so I know many people that have used computers that long and longer that 2 gigabytes seems like a lot these days, but it isn't. Seriously, it's bare minimum for a system running Vista, don't get me started on Vista hating. Even on high end systems that have 4 gigabytes you can still run into memory issues with large Revit models. 64 bit systems aren't limited by silly RAM issues, to a point at least. Usually you run into a hardware limitation on how much RAM you can have before you run into the OS limiting RAM.

    Read more at AUGI...