Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Walls and Footings

Darryl over at CADCLIPs posted a video overview of creating stepped footings using an in-place family. I recently had this conversation with a client and showed him the same process but also showed him another technique that is worth doing.

So Darryl did one, this is the other brother Darryl. This method uses a floor as the "footing", a floor slab edge and profile. Wrapping it up is attaching the base of the wall to the "floors". I posted the VIDEO here.


Architect said...

Does anyone else find the volume level on the videos is unusually low?

Steve said...

Watching this one the volume seemed a bit too loud, had to turn it down quite a bit

iyyy69 said...

Pretty cool!

Up until you placed the elevation tags, I was thinking that in most instances it would just be faster to do the in-place approach. But if you need to mark the elevations, your approach looks great. I wonder if it would still make sense to use an in-place for the underside of the steps - it's just unusual that you would have this perfect equal length stepping?

Steve said...

Most engineers I've met use a "standard" ratio for stepping so a profile abide with them pretty easily.