Thursday, January 09, 2014

Show History and I am Working in Central

We can use the Show History feature to see the save history of our project. If worksets are enabled we'll be described as Working in Central if we are also using Worksharing Monitor. This happens if we browse to the central file to access the save history. If we do this while working in a local file we'll be listed twice in Worksharing Monitor, once for your local file and another for the central.

No worries, we are not really in the central file, at least not in a position to save or alter anything. Review the history and close it when done, no harm done.


DaveP said...

One other little-known item in the WSM is that little icon at the right of the "Central File Access" row.
Clicking on that icon brings up a "Show History" list of who saved when and how long it took them. Pretty handy for answering "Why does it takes so long for Revit to Save"? You can show people that those who SWC twice an hour took 30 seconds each time, and those who SWC once a day took 15 minutes!

Steve said...

Yes that little button is justification alone for using Worksharing Monitor, my favorite!

Steve said...

Wrote this post about it before too.