Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Acuity Brands Lighting Content - Release Two

From their site:

Based on your feedback from the initial beta test of Acuity Brands Lighting’s 3D product models, we made some changes and produced a new set of models. The new set is available for download on the downloads page. Key changes includes the following:

1) We have doubled the number of models in the beta set to include more of our frequently ordered products.

2) We are now using “ceiling-based” hosting for any luminaire that is typically attached to or recessed in a ceiling. (Our earlier hypothesis that making everything “face-based” gave you more flexibility actually disrupted your workflow.)

3) 3D DWG files are no longer included in the download of Revit family files, but continue to be available as a separate download.

4) We’ve improved our standards for artwork and Revit family files to make our files more consistent in both appearance and behavior.

As you use these models, please let me know what we can do to make the models more useful and productive for you. In particular, we’d like to hear any preference you have related to:

1) Type Catalogs. Should we continue to provide product type information in the separate, comma-delimited files? Or, should all types be embedded in the Revit family file?

2) Location of IES files. Our family files include a link to the IES file. Should we include the IES files in the download? Or, does that just complicate your file-management process?

Thank you for your support, and we welcome any feedback or suggestions.

1 comment:

Jason Grant said...


Thanks for the announcement!

Do you think that you would degrade the performace of a large project when you populated it with light families that had imported skethup models? I always try to stay away from any imported object in a family.

Look forward to your thoughts and I will definately give them some feedback.