Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dept. of Echo - Revit INI File

Jeremy Tammik posted some important information for those who deploy Revit and deal with external applications and commands. Much of the focus is on those who write the software but if you end up installing and coordinating the applications you'll benefit from reading through the info.

Jeremy starts with:

Developers have always had a lot of complaints about the Revit.ini add-in registration facility. It was hard to access and modify the file in the Revit installation directory and the same file is shared by all users. Revit 2011 offers a completely new and vastly improved add-in registration facility using add-in manifest files. The new mechanism supports a number of new options and there is no reason to continue using the obsolete Revit.ini mechanism. {emphasis is mine}

Short story, the Revit.ini file isn't likely to survive another release, at least not as far as external applications are concerned. Read ON!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wrong Steve,

the new .addin framework is solely aimed at API applications and is a first generation release. As I understand it, no plans to replace using .ini's for all user settings.

I would be very very surprised if .ini files disappear anytime soon.
