Friday, May 04, 2012

Shared Coordinate Post Summary

Updated: 6/28/2023

This is a summary of posts I've written about shared coordinates and related posts. They are listed from the most recent to the oldest. That doesn't necessarily reflect their relevance based on age at all.

2023 Revit 2021.1 Reset Shared Coordinates
2018 Cannot Publish Coordinates

2017 Revit Coordinate Systems Video
2017 Linked DWG and Named UCS
2017 Clipped or Un-Clipped - That is the Question
2017 Shared Coordinates - Autodesk Reference Information
2017 20 Mile Threshold on Import
2017 Reset Shared Coordinates Update
2017 Revit 2018 GEO Reference and Shared Coordinates

2016 Publish Coordinates and Inter-related Linked Files
2016 BIM Workshop Sessions and Data
2016 Multi-Discipline Shared Coordinates
2016 Survey Point Values after using Publish Coordinates

2015 Revit 2016 R2 - Positioning by Auto - Project Base Point to Project Base Point
2015 Transparent Elevations and Large Coordinates
2015 Shared Coordinates and Collaboration for Revit
2015 Revit 2016 - Rotate Project North
2015 Link Positioning Manual - Base Point
2015 Survey Point - Post 4 - Acquiring Coordinates and View Orientation
2015 Survey Point - Post 3 - Five Minutes with Shared Coordinates
2015 Survey Point - Post 2
2015 Survey Point 1
2015 Follow Up - Importing DWG Files Using By Shared Coordinates
2015 Toposurface from a Text File
2015 Using Shared Coordinates - Do Not Remove the Link

2014 Importing CAD Files and By Shared Coordinates
2014 Relocate Project is Sleight of Hand
2014 Confirm Acquire Coordinates (wish)

2013 Basic Survey and Model Coordination
2013 Acquiring Coordinates between Trades
2013 Project Base Point Manipulation
2013 Transfer Project Standards and Shared Coordinates
2013 Moving the Project Base Point
2013 Coordinating Projects Using Shared Coordinates
2013 Lock Down Shared Coordinates

2012 Reset Shared Coordinates
2012 Revit Level and Elevations
2012 DWG Files and Funky Snapping

2011 Location Location Location
2011 Shared Coordinates and Copy Monitor
2011 Project Coordination - Early Days

2009 Autodesk University Virtual Shared Coordinates Class
2009 Shared Coordinates Features Disabled
2009 Starting Projects - Two Pieces of Advice

2008 Shared Coordinates and Other Trades
2008 CAD Surveys and your Revit Project
2008 Acquire Coordinates Confirm

2006 True Elevation and Position


Unknown said...

Hi Steve,

I am writing here on your blog hoping you can help me out with a Revit issue I am having. It seems no one else is able to solve this. Hope this is ok with you. Thank you in advance. I am posting my issue below:

I am trying to export a section view to dwg using Shared coordinates in the Export Setup, but it seems Revit uses the Project Base point (or Startup location?) for the elevation.

Am I missing something obvious here?

My exports of plan views works fine as the coordinates I get when checking the dwg in AutoCAD correseponds to my Shared Coordinates in Revit.

Steve said...

It's my observation that Revit exports section and elevation views ignoring the Shared Coordinates option. If you export from a 3D view using a Section box you can get section of the model to respect its location in all three axis.

I suspect the reason that Revit works this way has to do with how we create such DWG files ourselves using AutoCAD. Most of the elevations and sections DWG's I've ever encountered or created myself are not drawn at a real elevation, relative to the file's origin. Not only that but most are not drawn in a view orientation other than Plan.

As such, if Revit exported the elevations at their actual elevation and position (X,Y,Z) it is quite likely we'd have to move them into position regardless.

Unknown said...

Hi Steve,

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. I agree sections and elevations usually are not drawn at real elevations. The reason I am trying to achieve this is that a project I am involved in requires the elevations in sections and to be at the real elevations.

Can you elaborate a bit on your last paragraph? I'm not quite sure what you meant there.

Steve said...

First, the exported DWG that Revit creates for an elevation drawing uses the Plan orientation of Model Space. The models Z elevation would just move the drawing up, higher, not use a higher Y value which is what it would need to be to put the drawing at the correct elevation.

As such, the frame of reference Revit can use to create elevations and sections is quite different than plan view drawings.

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with you on what you said above. A good compromise could be if Revit used the z vaule in Revit as the y value in the dwg when exporting sections and elevations.