Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Sketchy Grids"

One of the things that jumped out at me in the book that Eddie Krygiel, Greg Demchak & Tatjana Dzambazova wrote, Introducing Revit Architecture 2008 was an image where they used lines to exaggerate where the perimeter of the building was. It was a nice effect both in plan and 3D. I've attached a couple weak attempts to recreate it from memory. I'm sitting in a hotel without the book so...forgive me if I get it wrong. Check out the book if you haven't and don't forget they've finished the companion book Mastering Revit Architecture 2008.

Here's a plan view:

Here's the 3D view:

Not as sketchy as SketchUp but then my examples don't look as good as the book's examples. Probably because the design of their building is much better than my little quick "house". Check theirs out!


Anonymous said...

Pity Revit doesn't have AutoCAD's visual styles display features.

Steve said...

I don't know if that would be an improvement, they don't look all that good to me either. 8-)