Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kinship and Autodesk University

My friends Jose Fandos and Gary Sprague have been working tirelessly to develop a product they call Kinship. It offers an intelligent way to organize, search for and place Revit content and even more compelling to me is the project insight it can provide us. After a couple years of private testing they are opening things up for real.

They were kind enough to invite me along with them to Autodesk University (AU) this year. If you are attending AU please stop by to say hello and find out more about Kinship. If you're not here at AU then let me encourage you to visit their site to learn more.


Anonymous said...

Really trying to be supportive but registering for the launch list appears broken. Additionally, the site does not have a lot of really critical information that would inform our interest. Is this a cloud solution? Is it a local solution? Is network licensing available?

Steve said...


I've sent a message to Gary and Jose about your comment. Content is hosted privately for you but in Kinship's cloud (server) so it can be distributed across all your offices. The client is browser based and there is a Revit plug in that updates on its own to stay current. There is very little managerial overhead for the software itself.

The public beta was opened at Autodesk University and revisions to the website are the works. Look for a response here from them...and if you're willing send me an email so I can put you in touch if you haven't already done so via their contact page.

Steve said...

To anyone reading these comments wondering about a response I claimed was happened just via emails. The website updates remain overdue, common startup issue and they are "on it" they swear. The project and content information you can see is worth being patient longer...I think.