Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quick Tip - Center a Ceiling

Perhaps it is obvious, perhaps not...

If you want recenter a ceiling grid in a room, assuming that it has been adjusted already but you need to change it again. Add a dimension string to the defining boundary walls and to one of the parallel grid lines, click the EQ control toggle. The grid repositions itself.

If you have a specific corridor width (say 6'-0") that a 2x2 or 2x4 ceiling should fit nicely in but it isn't in the correct spot, same trick but add a second reference to the other side of the same ceiling "panel" and use the EQ control toggle.
The result:


NKramer said...

Do you have a good way of centering between lines? Generally we just center and then move half the distance of the known panel size. Either that or you have to draw a ref plane, detail line, etc; constrain that and then use that to center. Most of the time I find the latter breaks the detail line constraints and I have to manually move it later anyways.

Steve said...

Nope...nothing else comes to mind at the moment.

Hernán Echevarría Fernández said...

In the second example can't you just use the align tool and align a grid line to the wall?