Friday, October 18, 2024

Autodesk University 2024 - The Old Revit Gang


Yesterday I made a quick road trip to San Diego to attend a breakfast gathering of the "old Revit gang" that were attending this year's Autodesk University. Jim Balding, center in red kneeling, organized it all. He expected 15 people might actually be able to attend we nearly doubled that number.

Some of these people helped create Revit from nothing, used Revit very very early, are still working on Revit or with Autodesk now as well as either working in or have created their own companies inspired by and to do things that enhance what Revit does...or some combination of all of the above. Put the names of the people you know/recognize in the comments. It's a test, haha.

While wandering the conference after our breakfast meeting, I got to see many other people, who have meant a great deal to me through the years. Later that evening I also got to briefly catch up with an old friend who was mixing the audio for the evening's entertainment, Counting Crows. It was a great day!

My hats off to you all, keep on keep on!