Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Revit 2020.2 Internal Origin Redux

Happy Thanksgiving to those who observe!

One little thing I'm thankful for, I got a file yesterday from Autodesk (TurnOffInternalOrigin.Dyn) that is meant to be run in Dynamo Player (it's a custom node in testing ATM). You can download the file, place it wherever your Dynamo Player is looking for files already or in Dynamo Player just browse to wherever you placed the file. Click the play button (see image) and it will turn off the Internal Origin in all views. This approach means very little Dynamo knowledge is necessary, just enough to get Dynamo Player open and find the file.

Since I already put in some time with my own graph which included the Survey Point and Project Base Point I decided I'd like to be able to turn on/off all three or just the internal origin or some combination. I modified my graph (Control Coordinate Graphics.dyn) to provide input options (see image).

When you use Dynamo player you can edit the input options through On/Off switches (see image).

Click the little Properties button (looks like a old Macintosh computer to me). Clicking the toggle will make the statement either true or false for each "hide" question. All three true = all off for example. Remember my graph is dependent on a node from the Archilib package, make sure you've installed that before trying to use it.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hi Steve, any idea why I would be getting this error?

    "Warning: IronPythonEvaluator.EvaluateIronPythonScript operation failed.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 19, in
    Exception: Category cannot be hidden.
    Parameter name: categoryId"

  2. Which of the two dyn files are you using? If you open the Autodesk dyn in Dynamo an Run it yourself I got errors. It is meant to be run with Dynamo Player, no user work in Dynamo to prepare it. If you are using dyn then I'd make sure you have the dependent package downloaded and installed from Archilib.

  3. The problem is that most of the Revit using world don't use Dynamo (30yrs in the industry and I've met one person who knows "some basics", we have better things to do like getting building designed or built for laughably low fees). On this basis being forced to use it to solve Autodesk's cock up/rank shortsightedness is frankly appalling. They need to release a patch NOW to solve this for all without the need to learn another ******* ballache of a programme.

  4. I understand your frustration.

  5. Jason F9:55 AM

    Hi Steve. An observation while testing this; At first I was getting errors despite running it in Dynamo Player. It took me a little while to figure out that it does not turn off the internal origin in view templates. Sure, it's easy enough to update, but some large projects may have quite a number of them. Also, link visibility is not updated which may not be an issue for some, but if you have 20 plus links like in a resi project, it can be a lot of work. To summarize, for me it turned off the internal origin for views without templates, but generated errors for the views it could not adjust.

  6. Have you tried the most recent one in the latest post? It works and no warnings.

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Steve - I've tried this and I get "Run completed with errors". Do you know what I am doing wrong?
    I also tried another version that seemed to work, but didn't hide Internal Origins in linked Revit files...

  8. Try the one shared in the very last post on this subject. That dyn has replaced the Archilab node with code that deals with view templates differently.

  9. This thread:

  10. Getting this error :
    Warning: IronPythonEvaluator.EvaluateIronPythonScript operation failed.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 19, in
    Exception: Category cannot be hidden.
    Parameter name: categoryId

  11. DeucesS - I can't help with that kind of info. I'm a novice at Dynamo at best. You need to rule out basic troubleshooting issues like versions and packages being installed etc. The message seems to me that you might be trying this in a version where the category referenced isn't present "yet" or called something different. This issue surfaces with Revit 2020 so if you're trying it in 2021 it might not work at all.
