Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Panel Name - Allow Unique Values per Group

Some time ago they added the ability to tell Revit we want a parameter to be able to store unique values even when the element is part of a group, like this.

That example is possible because it's a shared parameter. I find myself wishing that we could do the same thing for the built-in Panel Name parameter for electrical panels. These are unique identifiers in all the situations I've ever encountered. Never mind the unfortunate poor support for being in groups to begin with...

I wish that Panel Name could be like a Door's Mark parameter or a Room's Number...unique even when included in groups. I wish upon a star...


  1. Matt Taylor1:38 AM

    If you put this on the Revit idea station, then provided the link to it, you may get a little more traction for your wish...

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    It looks like this still hasn't been fixed. Did you create an issue that I can vote for? Did you find a workaround?
