Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Revit 2017.1 - Type Selector on Modify Ribbon

Working with some new Revit users last week I noticed something strange happened to my interface and not theirs. I suddenly had a Type Selector on my Modify Ribbon tab, on its own ribbon panel.

I thought, "I don't remember that!" Then I thought, "It must be a new subtlety with Revit 2017.1 that I haven't noticed yet!" Looking at it again, once I remembered to be curious, I found that when I right-click on the Type Selector, in its long standing home on the Properties Palette, two options appear, the ribbon one being new. Those other users had Revit 2017 installed.

Now I don't see the What's New in Revit 2017.1 documentation page taking credit for this subtle change. I don't recall running into it while writing my What's New post for 2017 when that came out either, nor is it listed in that documentation section either when I scanned it again just in case.

I wrote strange happened earlier because I don't recall right-clicking and selecting that option unless I had a short term memory lapse. I suppose I might have been talking and clicking without looking, yeah I've done that while discussing a Revit feature plenty of times. What was I writing about? Oh...

Still I don't remember doing it. I also don't remember it being there all along since installing Revit 2017.1 in the first place and I'm pretty sure I've used it a lot since doing that. ...again with doubting my memory? I suppose it could just be the default location for the original install of the update and I just failed to notice it. I don't that's speaking well of my observation skills though. Well, never mind.

Don't worry about me, just take advantage of it if you like that as an available option too! Since Autodesk isn't claiming responsibility for it, who wants to?


  1. The option to put the type selector in the ribbon has been there for quite a while now. I don't have 2013-14 installed, but I'm pretty sure it was there then. I know it's in 2015+ for sure.

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Actually i would like to have this kind of surprises during my time with revit, let'em try to analyies our behaviours to get a better ui and specialised for each of us either in a minor way :)

  3. Michael Dunn1:35 PM

    Hi Steve - It's been an option for a while - at least 2015. I've been trialling using it but since you can't remove it from the properties palette it's just doubling up on information and losing screen/ribbon real estate.

  4. Subtle since 2014 I think...

  5. Hi Steve,

    This has been in the product since the 2011 release when the properties palette was introduced. This was requested by users that felt they would not like the properties palette open all the time. Obviously, the value of having the palette open all the time made these capabilities not as popular.

    Erik Snell

  6. Oops, thanks. That really slipped my mind!!

  7. I've never seen it before!!! Now I love my type selector on the ribbon, especially because I use both properties palette and project browser in a second screen. To have the type selector at first glance here is a bonus. Thanks.
    Away from this topic, I would like to know if there is any Autodesk's official documentation about FAMILY CREATION. Remember we had the "Famiies Guide" in earlier versions wiki-help?
