Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Properties Palette and Project Browser are not Responsive

This issue tracks back at least a couple of years now but I've just been asked about it again the other day. People report that on occasion Revit refuses to acknowledge when you click on either the Project Browser or Properties Palettes. For example this thread at Autodesk's User Forum began in February 2014.

The suggested methods, in the thread, for fixing this issue include: Using Save As, Disabling Hardware Acceleration and clicking on the Help icon. One person posted that their screen went black first and then Revit crashed. That bit sounds like a graphics card/driver could be involved.

Those fixes resolved the situation but don't tell us specifically why it happened in the first place. Since it has not happened to me personally I can't say for sure why it happens either. I have heard that some errors generate a warning message that can get lost behind the Revit UI. Using ALT + Tab will allow you to cycle between open windows (applications) and you may find a message dialog lurking there. I wouldn't expect any part of Revit to be responsive as such. Interesting that users find that they can access the Help and Application menu (Big R) items despite the two windows being inaccessible.

Perhaps a reader has isolated the cause?


  1. Have had this happen in the past and only fix that I've found is to delete the Revit settings from the Windows Registry.

    Below is the Key to delete (or rename if unsure) and then let Revit rebuild the Key the next time it starts. You will lose some customizations like window positioning and sizes, but not much else.

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2017

  2. Thanks for the info Troy!

  3. Anthony Viscusi7:44 PM

    I have this happening to a few Revit 2016 instances. I think it may be related to two Add-Ins being incompatible with each other. Haven't narrowed it down yet. Similar to as Troy suggested Autodesk recommends a directory rename and registry key rename in this help article:

  4. I've seen this happen when the Properties Palette and / or Project Browser are moved on a different screen than the application window. Simply redocking them back into the application window solved it in most cases.

  5. That's a symptom and a solution I've not read yet, thanks!

  6. I read this on Friday - and thought.. thank goodness I haven't seen that in awhile. Of course this morning, it came back. Turned off graphics acceleration and all is well. I've also seen it 'fix' when revit is closed on full screen, then reopened on full screen.

  7. Thanks for posting. A gremlin indeed! We use Troy's method to resolve. In earlier Revit versions, I thought the issue tied to .NET. Perhaps the two plugins are pointing to different versions? I too would like to know the initial cause to minimize treating the symptom.

  8. Thanks Troy, your method worked.

  9. Nancy McClure2:32 PM

    Can't believe this still bites us, once in a while! In this case, turning off Hardware Accelerator resolved it.
