Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Load and Place a Family

Perhaps it isn't obvious enough but Revit is designed to deal with loading and placing a family according to context determined by our actions. Did we start a placement process or an admin process?

The component tools like Door, Window, Component, Detail Component, Air Terminal and so on provide Revit with placement context. The Insert ribbon tool Load Family is an administrative task which does not presume placement as a priority.

IF we start the Component > Place a Component tool first. Choose Load Family from the ribbon. In this context Revit knows we intend to place something but using Load Family tells it we need something that isn't already loaded in the project yet. If we choose to load multiple families it is ambiguous to Revit so it chooses for us which family to offer as the family to place now.

When we use Insert ribbon > Load from Library > Load Family separately it is regarded as an administrative task, i.e. "I need to load some things so they are available to everyone." Personally I have had many situations where I need to load families in this way, not place them immediately. If I do want to place a loaded family right away then I start the Component (or Door, Window etc.) tool first.


  1. I always recommend that people ALWAYS use the Load Family icon from the Insert Tab & not the ones presented on the context tools.
    The reason is that I've seen too many people get frustrated or confused by the message:
    "Some or all of the family files you selected cannot be loaded."
    What that means is that, if you picked the Load Family from a context menu, you can ONLY load that category of family.
    For example, if you selected the Door Tool and then the Load Family, you can only load Door families. If you pick a Window instead, you get the error above.
    I believe you are more efficient by being consistent than saving a click or two.

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Will Revit ever be multi-threaded like Maya and use more of my i7 cores?

  3. Anonymous

    Revit is multi-threaded for tasks, like rendering which, as I understand it, is easier to do because many tasks can be divided and processed simultaneously without any dependency on other tasks. Which is also why rendering refers to the final gather or gathering for the assembly of the final image as the rendering tasks are completed.

    It isn't that simple for many other things that Revit does however.

    In particular with the last three releases (2015-17) they've taken advantage of multi-threading more and more. They also used the phrase background operation to describe how Revit can complete some tasks now without preventing us from continuing with other tasks.

    Naturally, they've focused their effort where it is going to improve our perception of performance. I've been told many times that multi-threading for the sake of using multiple cores can just as easily ruin our experience with performance, if it isn't implemented well.

    Since I'm not writing the code (or make computers/processors) I just keep pressing them for faster results for the tasks we do and I don't dwell on how the sausage is made.
