Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Wish - Revit Safe Mode

I'm echoing something I heard David Baldacchino suggest, good idea Dave. Revit will crash from time to time. Sometime it isn't because of something I've done, it tracks back to an add-in I've got installed. It can be a bit of a hassle to disable add-ins to rule them out.

It would be handy if there were a way to start-up Revit in safe mode - add-in free so to speak so it can run on its own and help us diagnose an issue.

Speaking of Wishes - Autodesk started a new community forum called Revit Ideas to post this kind of thing. It allows us to Vote Up an idea so those that many of us really like can rise to the top. Potentially this can help them focus on things we really want and are (hopefully) expressed well enough to pursue.


  1. You nudged me to post my first idea :)

  2. I created a very hacky way of doing this over at

    Until there is a factory version, some could adapt and improve the script idea...

  3. I have submitted feedback from within AdA several times. If the update requires uninstalling that should have been written into the update that launched from the app or declared on the update notice, not tucked away in a readme document elsewhere.
