Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Revit 2015 R2 - Load into Project and Close

Have you ever edited a Revit family and then used Load into Project? Only once or twice? Yeah you're like me then. Have you ever thought it would be nice if you could close the family without having to return to it or having to close it first and then use Load from Library > Load Family? Yeah, me too.

Apparently we've got someone from Autodesk listening in on our thoughts (or blog posts/tweets/wishlists/support requests) because Revit 2015 R2 thinks we are on to something and it has a new button called Load into Project and Close

Just keep in mind that you DON'T want to use this when your family is using a Type Catalog! If that's true you also DO NOT want to use the Edit Family feature from a project either. Using Edit Family creates a version of the family that includes all the types that are loaded into the project. The same is true when you use the Right-Click > Save As feature on a family from inside a project. If a family is using a Type Catalog then the family doesn't need the burden of all its types defined inside it too.


  1. This is good. A couple of other features I would like to see in regards to families are these: 1) that the family loads into the current view! not a random view where I am not working at the moment. And 2) Something that allows me to rename a family without having to look for it in the Project Browser. Such as Select > Right click > Rename. You know, it would be handy when we have families that are loaded as "Family17", and we know which family is it, but don't remember the category where the family is located in the Project Browser.

  2. Alfredo, I agree. However, when you click on an object it already is telling you what category it is on in the property dialogue box.
