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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trolling the Past - Model Text Family

A couple years ago (try nearly seven!!), in June 2004 I responded to a thread at AUGI regarding some model text and it being used on a sign:

These are the general steps I took to make it:
  • First create a generic family
  • Add model text to it, center justify it and put it at the origin
  • Add a parameter for the text value and assign the model text value to it
  • Nest that family into your sign family
  • Assign the text to the text parameter in the host
  • Lock the nested model text to the center reference plane
In playing with the seven year old example that was a rush job if I recall correctly I was able to break it again. It may be a bit unfair but I fixed the family in 2012 today. I've posted the revised working family and the nested model text family so they can be downloaded:
 (now you have another minor excuse to get 2012 installed)

I also wrote:

Oh...I coined a new term while fumbling with words a little while ago...Family and Formula are now;

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