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Saturday, January 01, 2011

AUGI | AEC EDGE Fall 2010 Available

The newest issue of AUGI | AEC EDGE, Fall 2010, is now available. There are high and low resolution pdf copies available now.

I'm not sure what the status of the online reader version is right now. I'll post again when I know more.

Fwiw, the naming of the issues has been a little confusing even for me at times. The intention was to publish each issue at the "end" of the season it is named for. The timing has been a bit later than the literal end of some seasons. This issue is the last one that will use this approach.

This year AUGI intends to have six issues instead of four. The naming for each will be based on months. That means the next issue will be for Jan/Feb 2011 (accepting proposals now!) and be release at the end of February, if I have my facts straight. AUGI also has been discussing taking the production internal and using the same graphics and publishing team that has been handling AUGI World. Change is the only constant!

Download the High Resolution PDF (33.1 MB)
Download the Low Resolution PDF (6.9 MB)


  1. David Moody5:25 AM

    It's a good thing I followed your link and not the QuickLink on AUGI. It doesn't show the most current issue. and sends you to a different webpage. You might mention it to someone who can change it.

  2. Peter Davis2:57 PM

    How do we get to the links of the videos in the magazine. I'm not sure if the intetion was to click on the previews which will open the correct url.
