Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Annotation Symbol as Schedule

Sometimes you just need a way to store/present some information that may/may not be obtained from the model itself. You could create additional parameters (project parameters) and create a schedule to report the information if you assign them to a category you may not be likely to use in your normal scope, something that you won't use and won't likely have a schedule stumble on that same category if there are linked files.

Years ago I made the following family and I just stumbled across it again after getting asked about this situation and doing a search at AUGI (I posted it originally at Zoog Design and it migrated with the merge to AUGI).

It's pretty simple: lines, text and labels using instance parameters for each "XXXX" value I want to enter. When I put it in a project, it is "full size" for printing and I can put it anywhere I need it, view or a sheet view. I can select it and click on "X's" to fill out the form. A few years ago Jake Boen (at Autodesk University 2006) presented more clever examples that include calculations to do all sorts of things that we'd normally reach for a spreadsheet to do. Put your thinking cap on and I'm sure you can find a nice way to use the concept.

If you'd like to download the family 


  1. Thanks Steve.
    I've been meaning to create one of these for years. Instead, I always just used text and annotation elements in the project. Once or twice, I've copy/pasted from one project to another. But now... thanks again.

  2. jbenoit442:08 AM

    Thanks Steve,
    valuable information. A BIM way to do some 2D stuff.
    Have a nice day.

  3. Nice one Steve. Now we just need a way to link this to Excel... :-)

  4. Steve,
    Thanks for the Mention. It keeps surprising me that this method keeps popping up, but then again it is so useful. I have about 8 of these families (calculating ones) which are an integral part of my project template and work flow.
