Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Friday, May 21, 2010

1K Run

I started this blog on November 19th of 2004 with a really exciting post stating my curiosity about blogging and deciding to dabble. Tonight as I was trying to catch up on nearly a hundred blog posts by more than a dozen other bloggers I noticed that this blog has 999 subscribers. Just one more reader to subscribe and push this blog to the 1K mark. As of tonight, this post is number 881 since then.

I'm flattered that so many have subscribed. I was flattered when it was just 5, 50...100. There have been times when I've been busy and my dedication flagged. I get apathetic or uninspired routinely like anyone else. Ultimately the fact that there are people who like the blog keeps me coming back to it.

Thanks for the ride! I had no idea when I started it how much fun it could really be. All the best!!


  1. jarosa1:55 PM

    Revit OpEd is my first on my Revit Favorites List. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hi Steve, your blog is also my favorite Revit blog. I link your blog to Singapore Revit User Group Blog ( Keep up the good work. Grace from Singapore

  3. The same is for us in Revit-MBA: Revit OPED is number one and the only Revit blog I follow closely with Viigo in my phone. ¡Felicitaciones! for a great and constant work.

    ((Just a little (silly) question: How or where can you know how many suscribers are you having? ))

  4. after all this time, i thought i had you on my list of followed blogs.. of which i just added it. I guess it's cause I'm so used to just checking my list of bookmarks so regularly that i hadn't noticed..

  5. Thanks for the kind words. I find the number of subscribers from Google Reader, search for Revit and then review the list, mine is among the listed. I haven't subscribed to my own blog, suppose I should? There might be other ways to subscribe or check but I haven't.
