Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Friday, February 19, 2010

Off Topic - Blogging Trivia

As of tonight (on this site) there are:
  • RAC - 77 blogs (in English)
  • RST - 8 blogs
  • RME - 11 blogs
  • API - 4 blogs
  • BIM - 50 blogs
  • -------------------------
  • Total - 150 (nice clean number eh?)
There are also 39 foreign language (foreign to me) blogs listed here for RAC/RST/RME representing roughly 14 languages.

These are only those I'm aware of. Some started off with a bang and have been more of a whimper since. Others are pretty consistent. I have practically all of them in my reader and each day there are between a half dozen and a dozen new blog posts (some with multiple posts). That's just the Revit blogs I check out.

I find new blogs by checking the Google Analytics stats for this site. I always marvel at how many countries are represented in this report (for the last 30 days). It makes me feel awkward that I can only speak, read and write with one language while so many others seem to manage in my native tongue in addition to their own.

What's a Revit blogger got to do to get Greenland going?? WikiAnswers claims there are 196 countries right now and 192 that are members of the United Nations. Still some more Revit ground to cover eh?

I also find them by visiting the other blogs and checking out their links. It isn't as easy because I'm usually only keeping up with their sites via Google Reader. I don't bother to mention each time I stumble on to another anymore. It was getting too frequent to do so. I also find them by searching for Revit related terms.

If you find one that I'm not already listing just let me know, I'd like to add it on, the more the merrier! It would be cool if more were more active but then it would be that much harder to keep up with it all!!



  1. Hi Steve,

    You might want to add my two Revit sites to your list. has been going for two and a half years.

    And my new site has just started in January this year.

    RevitOpEd is of course listed on both sites :)

    Many thanks

  2. I've had a link to your site for a long time.

  3. Hi Steve,

    You are forgetting some blogs in Spanish, including mine.

