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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Off Topic - Mr. OpEd in Dublin

I get to travel to Dublin to do some work over the next couple weeks. Using Google Analytics I see that I get between 30-40 visits to the blog a month from Ireland with 20ish of them coming from Dublin. This past 30 days, as shown below, dropped by 10ish visits which I assume is because of the holidays and my lazy posting habits during that time.

It seems to me that it means I've got at least one reader in Dublin. It would be great to meet my one or two readers while there! I'm also open to any advice for my stay there. I'm really looking forward to a real pint of Murphy's, or two...and naturally Guinness. Seems I'm too early to catch a Rovers match though. Looking forward to it!


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    For some reason Golf comes to mind...

  2. With icy weather lately and more to come I doubt Golf would make it into my plans. I'd have to actually play golf ideally too, I suppose?

  3. check out McDaids and the Stag's Head pubs. Great city.

  4. You should check out 'cafe en Seine' 40 Dawson street. its just south of trinity college and its a real gem!

    This is Pete a dubliner but i live in london(previouly virginia) if you come to london i'd meet up for a beer. Just started my own revit blog last week Revit Detail;
    Its not as easy as i first thought it takes ages to get the material together. any way enjoy dublin.


  5. Folks, thanks for the suggestions. I've added your new blog to my list Peter.
