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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Autodesk University Virtual - Shared Coordinates Class Handouts

If you've signed up for my virtual class and wondered where the handouts are, I've posted them today. I was holding off posting them so that I could rehearse (up to the last minute) and not discover some horrible mistake, at the last minute.

There is one handout, one power point summary (I don't know if I'll actually use the power point, hate them) and two dataset folders: Large Project and Small Project.

I dredged up this old building model, to use as part of the class, that I did with 5.0 maybe? I was curious to see how it upgraded to 2010, no errors, cool! It was back when I was more patient and I modeled in-place standing seams on the roof.

The class is: AB9114-1 Autodesk Revit Collaboration: Shared Coordinates for Projects Big and Small

It is schedule to be aired:

1:00 PM Tuesday, December 1, 2009 (Pacific Standard Time)
9:00 PM Tuesday, December 1, 2009 (Pacific Standard Time)

P.S. If you download the dataset and find a horrible mistake, please let me live in bliss for a little while and don't tell me right away. Maybe a little before the first class though? I am taping the class on Sunday night. Have to practice my mime routine and puppet show intro, maybe I'll have enough time left over to talk about shared coordinates too?

Edit: I updated the path the handout in the link at the top of the post. I have to sort out the dataset files since they are very old files now. Keep in mind that this class is based on a very old version of Revit now.


  1. All the best Steve, will be watching your virtual presentation in South Africa.

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I've read your handout (Shared Coordinates for Projects Big and Small) and it's very informative and helpful. Is there a way I can my hands on your virtual presentation?

    Thank you in advance.

  3. Sorry no, they seem to have retired the 2009 virtual classes. You can try to contact Autodesk to find out what they are going to do with them?
