Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Clicks and Clacks

No, Not the Tappet Brothers

Last month I maligned the new interface with an example of how we are less efficient with the new UI. You may be familiar with the experience that "bad news runs on the cover page and the retraction runs on page six"??

I claimed that the only way you can access the Export Layer manager dialog was through a convoluted series of steps involving starting the export process. I was wrong..."shock, horror"!! I'm still doing chores around the house to make up for it!!

In my haste to make a point I missed a very subtle "arrow"!! If I had been more observant and patient I'd have seen this:

And a little more patience and this displays:

So this correction gets a "front page" or at least its own new post! Sorry folks!!


  1. I had a similar experience in ACA. At first I thought our often used Export Property Data command had gone but scrolling the Application Button > Export list revealed it.

  2. Don't apologize…it’s microscopic and unintuitive. A side scroll would be much more apperant.
