Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Service Packs for Revit

The product managers for each version of Revit announced at AUGI today that there are new web updates/service packs available for both 32 and 64 bit.

In general they each wrote the following:

1) I am pleased to announce that our product team has just released the English version of Web Update 3 for Revit 2009 (Build 20081118_1045) and it is now LIVE at:

DOWNLOAD Revit Architecture Update

DOWNLOAD Revit Structure Update


2) Web Update 3 is also using the Service Pack technology and is for English version only. All localized and translated versions of Web Update 3 will use the previous Full Install method, but we will continue to improve the service pack technology for all languages in the future release of Revit Structure. Also, we are currently working to release the localized Web Update 3 over the next several weeks.

For a list of improvements, please refer to the “Web Update Enhancement List (pdf)” located on the product download pages.

3) Before you install the English Web Update 3 Service Pack, please make sure that you read carefully the entire “Service Pack Readme (pdf)” as it will explain how to use the Service Pack as well as its current limitations.

1 comment:

  1. Darn it. You beat me again to the posting. How do you find the time?

    Are you going to AU? You still owe me a phone call.

