Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shared Coordinates and the "other" trades

My posts in the past on this subject have focused on the use of Revit Architecture. The architect tends to get started down this road first so it makes some sense, to me at least. The natural evolution of this issue is, "What does a Revit Structure or Revit MEP team do when confronted with the use of these features (Shared Coordinates)?

First of all let's explain that there are two methods available to describe the true elevation and position of a project. The first is abstract, simply telling Revit that the building is really at a different elevation and/or rotation relative to true north and sea level. The second is not abstract, we actually move the building to the actual elevation and location on a site.

The abstract method allows us to "tell" Revit what we want to display for elevation and orientation while the other requires us to actually put the building at the correct elevation and orientation. I've written about the process that is used for either in previous posts.

Let's define the steps that RST and RME users ought to use to properly coordinate their project file with the RAC model(s).

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