Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Monday, December 11, 2006

Write a Book…part deux

In my previous post regarding the book I left out two key pieces of information. First the book will be a comprehensive guide to using Revit. The title remains undefined at this time for a variety of reasons.

Second and most important, I am teaming up with my friend and Revit collegue, Bruce Gow. You may be more familiar with his moniker in the AUGI Revit forums, “BeeGee”. As a Revit trainer, consultant and practicing architect in Australia he will provide technical editing as well as be a contributing author. I'm enjoying working with him on this project.

As soon as Wiley/Sybex is able to prepare some preliminary information for posting at Amazon and on their own site it will be possible to pre-order the book.

There is another book underway now that is already listed on the Amazon site HERE or HERE that you might find interesting as well. Recognize the authors? These books are meant to compliment each other.

For those of you who have commented here and written to me, thank you for the kind words.


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Good luck with the book! I wish you'd written it 4 years ago tho.. Question to the author: At what level of user to you plan to aim it at? Novice? Advanced? Basically could you write it for me, I fall somewhere in the middle...! garyb

  2. hmm, I know a few of those people...

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Congrats Steve! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help get the word out. ;-)
