Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

AUGI Board of Directors

I've just been informed that my bid to become a member of AUGI's Board of Directors was successful. Voting began on November 28 at Autodesk Univerity and closed on December 15th. My new role with AUGI begins at the beginning of the new year and has a two year term.

I'm looking forward to being part of the leadership of AUGI and hope to make positive contributions that will benefit all AUGI members and naturally with my "Revit bias" I hope to continue to improve the experience for our Revit community at AUGI as well!

Wish me Luck!!


  1. I had no doubt you'd be up there once you were on the ballot. We're all behind you! Well done and yes, good luck :)

  2. Congratulations Steve on your successful bid to the AUGI BoD - it'll be great to have another Reviteer on the board...
    see you in January

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

  3. Congratulations... and yeah you had my vote :-)

    Keep up the excellent work and i wish you all the best for your new job.
    If you ever need a "french" hand, you know where to find me.

  4. Congratulations! As a former BOD member, I wish you the very best.

  5. Congrats and Good Luck Steve!!!
