Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Revit Can Coach Soccer

Not your typical Revit tip…

So I was thrust into coaching my son's U-10 boy's soccer team last weekend. We’re still looking for our first season win. A bunch of really nice kids that just can’t catch a break so far. So I needed to do a little planning for the positions each would play. So what did I do?

Did I use a pencil and paper? Started to but then I thought, hmmm...

If I use Revit I could pretend a room was a player/position and using phases I could simulate the quarters they play. The end result used the same collection of "rooms" (players) and I assigned them to different locations on the "field". I made it easier to see all the quarters at one time because I put four views, each quarter/phase, on sheet. Then I put all the players (room tags) on the sidelines and dragged them into a position, for each quarter. With this age group, AYSO doesn't want a player to sit out for more than one quarter of a game. That's the tricky part and what I struggled with using paper and pencil.

Bizarre? Yes! Did it work? Very nicely!! Revit is clearly becoming as important in my household as duct tape. Hmmm, I wonder how I could use it to change the brake pads on the car?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Hey, I changed brake pads on the car today....

    Great story, and use of Revit!

    "If you can't Duct it....."

    Now we need: "If you can't Revit...forget it!"
