Revit OpEd Sub Pages

Friday, June 28, 2013

Coordinating Projects Using Shared Coordinates

This is the handout I prepared for a past RTC Session. It is also based on a class I did at Autodesk University in 2009. I decided to embed it here since I've already got quite a few posts that talk about shared coordinates but none that tackle it like this one does. Two approaches are described: Small Project and Large Project. Small and Large aren't literally based on size, more like complexity and specifically a focus on a single building on site (small) or possibly many buildings on a site (large).

If you're interested there is a video (50 minutes) that I did for AU Virtual in 2009, recorded by Autodesk. It's based on the text of the handout above but this one is the revised version for the later RTC event (2012).

If you want to work with the files the handout refers to you can download the files with the links below.

Large Project Dataset 01 (16.1 MB)
Large Project Dataset 02 (10.6 MB)
Small Project Dataset 01 (10.3 MB)
Small Project Dataset 02 (15.9 MB)


  1. Thanks for sharing this excellent resource about shared coordinates. I did not know about this class of yours from 2009. Another great addition to my collection of resources for this topic. Along with the other two documents that you have mentioned from Paul and Teresa, I can mention these other resources: from previous AU classes, there is one by Marcus Kim (Connecting the Dots), and another one by Derek Renn (MEP survival kit). Also, our friend David Baldacchino is posting a series of articles about positioning of linked models, in his blog. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Steve. I'd looked into this books, Youtube videos until ... my ... brain ... hurt. Nice to find a consolidated article. time for breakfast.

  3. Andre Almeida6:36 PM

    Thanks a lot! Helpful tips. An issue that require a lot of time to understand.

  4. Great post - thank you!

  5. I'm going through this tutorial now. Thanks! It looks like it'll be extremely helpful.

    But I just opened Small Project Building E04.rvt and found that the units aren't set correctly (the site is 12 times too large for the bldg).

  6. doni49 - thanks for the feedback, I'll have to take a look. It won't be Revit units, it may be that the cad file was imported with the wrong units.

  7. YouTube video says it is private?
